New Acquisitions 2010
With about 60 objects the exhibition New Acquisitions 2010 is this time also a mirror of the international art in the glass sector.
Visits to many art centers (exhibitions, galleries, artist studios and studios) revealed once again: Germany is insofar as glass is concerned strongly on the go and more than a good address for artists all over the world. Thanks to its path-breaking and lasting development and thanks to its outstanding glass factories and glass workshops Germany is in the process of becoming a downright melting pot for those who commit themselves to the material glass.
That artists consider the metropolis Berlin as a setting for the art is plain-talking and that Berlin will now also become a location for the glass is rather a recently emerging development. With Julius Weiland the Glass Museum presented already in 2009 a representative of this genre. New in the collection is the work “Freedom“ of the Australian artist Scott Chaseling, who has been living and working in Berlin for some time. For his expressive work the story-teller and philosopher received several international prizes during the past years. And another new arrival from Berlin: Wilken Skurk with his work “Quingelwingelqui“, the expressive power of which excites the fantasy once more.
Even travel to other regions was not exactly unfruitful for the Glass Museum. An extremely vivid young glass scene is found, for instance, at the Rietveld Akademie in Amsterdam, on the Burg Giebichenstein in Halle and at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe, where we came to know Laura Jungmann and the Spanish Berta Riera Pomés. Both are represented through works which were developed in the workshop “Designing by Making“ at the French Center International d´Art verrier (CIAV) in Meisenthal. The students experiment together with experienced glass manufacturers using extraordinary materials and methods. For both sides the cooperation was very fruitful and led to unimagined results. In view of the exhibitions in this year the Glass Museum wishes you many exciting aha glass experiences: In spring-time you will see the Dutch artist Barbara Nanning in an individual exhibition, in summer current Danish glass and in autumn/winter works of students oft he art academies in Prague, Zlin and Ústí nad Labem.
Bertil Vallien, Janus II, 2009 – Photo G. Örtegren
Laura Jungmann, Carbonize II, 2010 – Photo Laura Jungmann
Ivana Houserova, Solar wind, 2009 – Photo Tomas Hilger
Wilken Skurk, Quingelwingelqui, 2006 – Photo Jan Röhl